
英语学习资料:周末生活 Weekwend


英语学习资料:周末生活 Weekwend

时间:2021/11/19 07:49 | 分类:英语
💝 如下任何文字个人信息是由(历吏新中国知网winpa.com.cn)人们为人们写出特别整理之后发布的介绍,就让们抓紧时间来来看看吧!The weather of this weekend was good and fortable with two sunny days. People could not wait to go out for a walk because it had been raining for such a long time. Some people went hiking, while others went to shopping or gathered together with friends. As for me, I just stayed at home on Saturday because my parents were busy so that they could not take me out. But Sunday, we went to the park and went boating on the lake. We were really happy on that day.

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